Tips for Life

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

126-135 Tips

126. Feel Less Hungry
Chew food well and you'll probably feel less hungry.

127. Raw Foods
Raw food are not always better; e.g. approximately 4% of carotinoids (in some veggies and fruit) are absorbed when raw, 15-20% when cooked.

128. Eating Healthily Is Expensive
Many people think eating healthily is expensive, but a piece of fruit is often much cheaper than a chocolate bar or a cream cake.

129. Eat Slowly
Eat slowly, and wait 10-15 minutes before deciding whether you need a second helping.

130. Protect Yourself Against Strokes
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to reduce your chance of having a stroke.

131. Cataracts
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to delay the development of cataracts.

132. Hungry
Don't wait till you're really hungry to eat, because you're likely to eat a lot more. Spread your eating out through the day.

133. How To Get More Youthful Skin
Want your skin to look more youthful? Drink more water. Dehydrated skin looks older than it should. Drink at least 8 glasses a day, but not as tea or coffee.

134. Red Ears?
Do you or your child ever have one or both ears red and burning for no apparent reason? It could be that you are allergic to something you ate, drank or touched two hours before.

135. Travelling On A Bus Or Coach?
Sitting on the same side of the bus as the driver can increase your exposure to air pollution by 10 per cent. (Dr Roy Colville, senior lecturer in air pollution, Imperial College, London)

106-120 Tips

106. Insomnia?
Try valerian tablets if you can't sleep.

107. Kissing!
Kissing reduces the allergic response. Did you need another reason?

108. Taking A Zinc Supplement?
If you're taking a zinc supplement, don't wash it down with tea or coffee, as these interfere with your body's ability to absorb it.

109. Alzheimer's Disease
There's lots of research going on into avoiding Alzheimer's disease - most of it seems to boil down to keep your brain stimulated and active, and eat health, nutritious food.

110. Laxatives
Taking laxatives regularly can lead to your body becoming depleted of vital nutrients. Try drinking more water instead. This will often soften the faeces.

111. Bowel Cancer
You're more likely to get bowel cancer if you are obese. Yet another good reason to eat a healthy well-balanced diet.

112. Having Chemo?
The Duke University Medical Center (USA) says that acupuncture can alleviate the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

113. Eat Less Fat?
It takes about 3% of energy in the fat found in food to convert it to body fat. It takes about 23% of energy in carbohydrate to convert it to body fat. Reduce fat to maintain a healthy body shape and weight.

114. Beating Travel Sickness
Eating ginger may help travel and motion sickness.

115. Chocolate And Wine
Yes, I know chocolate and wine contain antioxidants which are good for you, but there are a lot of other healthier sources.

116. Follow The Crowd!
According to a recent Wall Street Journal survey, 23% of Americans do meditation, yoga, or some other form of stress-reducing practice. Follow the trend, and do some yourself.

117. Sweaty Feet
Sweaty feet (particularly in children) can be a sign that the liver is having to work extra hard. Try taking a herbal supplement that supports the liver.

118. Men At Work
Did you know that men at work die most frequently from motor vehicle incidents, machine-related injuries, homicides, and falls? Take steps to protect yourself and others wherever you are.

119. Buying Ready-Meals?
Choose low fat options or supermarket healthy eating ranges, but check labels before buying. Go for meals that have less than 3g fat per 100g or less than 10g fat per serving. (British Dietetics Association)

120. Bad Breath?
Some research suggests that a high-fat diet can contribute to bad breath. Fats in meat, cheese and milk seem to be a particular problem.